Homemade Blueberry Bitters

Make blueberries a part of your daily routine: Grab a Boost of Blue!


  • 1 mason jar with lid
  • 1 cup high-proof spirit (high proof vodka or Everclear – at least 100 proof or 50% alcohol by volume)
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • Peels of one orange


  1. In a sterilized and completely dry mason jar, combine alcohol, blueberries and orange peels; seal tightly.
  2. Store in a cool dark place for at least one week, shaking once a day to keep ingredients mixed.
  3. Depending on infusion preference you can leave for up to 3 weeks, tasting as you go, until personal flavor is achieved. Strain mixture with a cheesecloth or fine mesh into a small serving jar and store in a dark cool place for up to 3 months.

About This Recipe

Recipe by Dine x Design

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